Trends Shaping Corporate Social Responsibility in Education
more and more companies are embracing broad social strategies, they are turning
their corporate social responsibility focus to education programs specifically
for the value they deliver. These
programs — often in the key areas of health and wellness, STEAM, physical
activity and fitness, and entrepreneurship — are proving to be increasingly
important to the success of both organizations and today’s young people.
are several global trends driving corporations to increased corporate social
responsibility in education. According to the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development publication “Trends
Shaping Education 2019”:
- The
world is becoming more “middle-class,” while at the same time the balance of
economic power is shifting East, primarily to China and India - World
economies are getting stronger, but economic inequality remains a factor - Technology
is making access to information universal, but there is declining trust in
information, politics, and corporate motivations
While “Trends Shaping Education 2019” is largely designed to support long-term
strategic thinking within school systems, the trends it details have tremendous
implications for corporations as well. Companies embracing corporate social
responsibility in education are aware that by partnering with school systems,
they can play a key role in shaping the future of education and supporting
students as individuals, as citizens, and as future professionals.
But recognizing trends is only the first step. After trends have been identified, they must be analyzed.
Addressing Important Trends
Upon identifying any trend, corporations should consider the following key issues:
- The
importance of the trend to the organization and the communities in which it
works - The
long-term impact of a trend on the organization and on society - How
the organization can best react to and influence the trend - How
the trend affects the organization’s corporate social responsibility in
education (or other areas)
What trends matter when managing your corporate social responsibility in education efforts? That depends on the organization. It might be the decreasing number of qualified job applicants (due to insufficient education or training). It might be the increasing use of technological alternatives to traditional products/services (Uber, Airbnb, Amazon, GrubHub). It might be any number of things.
The Most Important Trend
But one trend is impacting every organization: scrutiny. Corporate social responsibility in education or any other aspect of society is now under an increasingly bright spotlight. A sound model of social responsibility is necessary for engaging what is becoming the largest market segment — increasingly engaged citizens.
People are becoming more and more tech savvy — and they use technology to research company practices, and to become aware of corporate social and ethical behavior. People increasingly believe it is their right and their responsibility to make their communities and the world a better place. And they are looking for organizational partners who are working toward the same goals.
To this increasingly engaged population, corporate social responsibility in education and other important areas is not just philanthropy; it’s more than mottos, and it’s not window dressing. It’s policy, action, engagement, and follow-through. Teachers, school administrators, students, and parents are all following the same trend — more awareness and more engagement.
What Trends Are You Addressing?
We at MMS Education encourage you to take a productive, in-depth look at the social and educational trends that are impacting your organization, your industry, your community, and your areas of influence. Then establish a corporate social responsibility in education plan of action to address, influence, and even capitalize on those trends.
Not sure what trends your organization should be focusing on? We’re here to help. We plan, create, promote, distribute, and support education-market initiatives that capture attention, reach decisions makers, and generate results. But we do more than just execute your plans — we can also help you identify the trends, analyze their impact, and determine exactly how your organization should react.
Your policy, actions, and programs change both your organization and your communities. We can help you make the most of every aspect of every effort. Call us today at 800-523-5948 or fill out this form to see how MMS Education can help you reach, engage, and measure impact in the PreK-12 education market.