GENYOUth AdVenture Capital Grant Application Winners Meet Warren Buffett
As part of GENYOUth Foundation’s AdVenture Capital grant program, five students experienced a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet renowned business leader Warren Buffett. All five students serve as Student Ambassadors for GENYOUth’s flagship program, Fuel Up to Play 60, the nation’s largest in-school wellness program created by National Dairy Council and the National Football League, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The students were selected based on their ability to generate a unique, entrepreneurial idea and put together a business plan to give their classmates greater access to healthier foods and increased physical activity. In addition to meeting with Warren Buffet, each winning student earned $4,000 from GENYOUth Foundation for their school to implement his or her school wellness program.

To learn more about GENYOUth and the student winners of the AdVenture Capital grants program, read GENYOUth’s blog post and press release.
MMS Education is pleased to support GENYOUth Foundation in the development and management of the grants program for this exciting and impactful initiative. To learn more about MMS Education’s grants management programs, please visit our Outreach Services Project Profiles or contact us.